
Learn with teaching, interviews, and more through our YouTube page.

Gospel of Luke

Studies in the Gospel of Luke.


Various studies providing logical evidence for the Christian faith.

Psalm 119

Daily devotionals through the entire chapter.


A 10-week series exploring the book of Hebrews (taught during a summer session in 2023).


Studies in the book of Isaiah taught beginning in January 2024 (not complete).

1 Peter

Studies in the book of Isaiah taught beginning in January 2024 (not complete).

Missions Updates

Updates, prayer requests, and greetings from various missionaries around the world.

Look for videos that cover a variety of topics related to the Christian life.

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Biblical Studies

As we work our way through Scripture, our desire is tov provide overview and in-depth studies of all the Bible.



Topical studies on specific theological concepts based upon the Scriptural teaching.



Learning how to present the content of our faith in a reasonable manner and pleading with others to consider.



What does it mean to be a disciple? How are we to engage in the mission to make disciples of all nations?



Hear from those serving in various missionary endeavors from around the world.


Church & Ministry

Learn how to be effective in serving in your local church, and how to minister within your community.

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